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///stories/20I5-o6-22/turning-2I-in-theanthropocene.内特·哈根的一篇题为《在人类纪时代迎接21岁:邀请年青一代共同参与未来》(Turning 21 in the Anthropocene: An invitation for young people to participate in their future )的演讲,这次演讲是在威斯康星大学斯蒂芬角分校举办的。你也可以在以下网站找到这篇演讲:/watch?v=_hNi-7EjsH4。


Swimme, Brian Thomas, and Tucker, Mary Evelyn.(2011). Journey of the universe . New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Fred Spier.(2015). Big history and the future of humanity (2e ed.). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.


Christian, David.(2015).Mapping to meaning . In R. Alan Culpepper and Jan G. Van der Watt(eds.),Creation stories in dialogue: The Bible, science, and folk traditions (35–47). Leiden, The herlands: Brill.

Rue, Loyal.(2011).Nature is enough: Religious naturalism and the meaning of life . Albany: State University of New York Press.

Satina, Carl.(2015).Beyond words: What animals think and feel . New York: Henry Holt.

Zuckerman, Phil.(2014).Living the Secular Life: New answers to old questions . New York: Penguin.